After every experience and trial in life, we always have the positive side. What positive did Covid-19 leave us?
We rested. At first, for everyone this whole break from routine, and work commitment was a bit of a relief. It was like a gift from God, someone might say. Of course, okay at some point, it was too much. Not only too much, but we did get to a point of a nervous breakdown. But as we said we always keep the positive part.
We loved nature. Yes, it's true. Many of us did not know what it was like to walk in nature until this pandemic broke out, we did not have a bicycle or even a pet. Within two years this changed drastically. More and more people have learned the value of human contact with nature. Many people bought a bicycle and put exercise into their lives. Most people borrowed a pet, but this is also acceptable.
We became more creative. Many of us have discovered talents that we did not even know existed. Some of us became culinary presenters, others painters, screenwriters, and poets. Some are on TV right now. So take a minute to think of this, through a global storm, some found the strength to fight and survive.
We have revised the way we think. Before the pandemic broke out we took everything for granted. Even when we said that nothing is a given in life, we never expected that in the near future we could not go even 20 meters from our house for a coffee or a haircut which is a basic need. We stayed away from our loved ones. This in itself helped us understand the importance of the simple moments of our daily lives.
We evolved. Yes, it is a reality. Even grandparents have Facebook. We can not only hear them but also see them at any time. The distances became shorter. The ways of the transaction on the other hand became easier. The way of running a business is now done only with the use of a mobile phone. New jobs were created through Digital Marketing. Many public applications are made electronically and you do not have to wait in line for hours just to make a solemn declaration.
Indeed, the period we are going through is not the easiest. We hear nothing but wars, plagues and tragedies lately. But we live in 2022. The challenges are many but there are also many opportunities. So it's time to seize them.